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Update on free admission to the Colosseum in Rome Italy.

You may know that in the past the first Sunday of every month was free admission to the Colosseum in Rome. This has now changed. Free admission on the first Sunday is limited to the months of January to March and from October to December. In addition to the first Sunday the following dates are also now free. 

9th of May
5th of June
29th of June
23rd of September
4th of October
4th of November

Keeping up? In addition the last Thursday of the months of May – June (30th of May; 27th of June) and September – November (26th of September; 31st of October; 28th of November) for the last 3 hours before closing of the sites.


If it’s not obvious the total number of free days remain at twelve. All that has really changed is outside of the autumn and winter seasons the free dates are not fixed to the first Sunday. The free three hour opening in the evening might be interesting for the months of May and June. The good weather and long hours of daylight will make it possible to enjoy the Roman forum on those free Thursday evenings.  On the other hand the two dates during the autumn months may suffer from bad weather. I would not suggest planning your trip around those two Thursdays. 


Ostia Antica free admission dates

Of course Ostia Antica has its own list of dates.  

– 5-10 marzo, Settimana dei Musei
– 17 marzo, Giornata dell’Unità nazionale, della
Costituzione, dell’Inno e della Bandiera
– 7 aprile, domenica
– 25 aprile, Festa della Liberazione
– 9 maggio, Giornata della Pace e dell’Unità in
– 2 giugno, Festa della Repubblica e di
Sant’Aurea a Ostia Antica
– 5 ottobre, Sant’Ippolito patrono di Fiumicino
– 20 ottobre, Giornata internazionale
– 3 dicembre, Giornata internazionale delle
persone con disabilità

March 5th to 10th culture week.

March 17th national unity day

April 7th Sunday

April 25th Liberation day

May 9th European peace and unity day

June 2nd Republic day

October 5th Saint Ippolito

October 20th international Archaeology day

December 3rd international disabled person day


If your trip includes any of those days it’ll likely be a better use of your time when compared to the Colosseum free days. Ostia Antica is less likely to attract the oppressive crowds the Colosseum can attract.


Official dates list for Ostia Antica in Italian

Update on free admission to the Colosseum in Rome Italy.
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Update on free admission to the Colosseum in Rome Italy.
Update on free admission to the Colosseum in Rome Italy. Including new free dates
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