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Civitavecchia express train

TrenItalia has announced a new express train for cruise ship passengers arriving or departing from Civitavecchia.  The new train will have a one way price of €10 or a return fare of €15. Two runs will leave Civitavecchia in the morning with two returns in the afternoon.


Express train announcement in English



Announcement of the new train in Italian




To coincide with cruise season

the train will run from April 1st until December 14th. Only seven hundred and twenty seats will be sold per train including reserved seats for each passenger. Children up to twelve years of age will travel free if traveling with an adult. Passengers will be allowed to bring large suitcases onto the train. The train company will also be establishing information booths at both Civitavecchia and the  Roman station of St. Peter’s. This station is near it’s namesake St. Peter’s Basilica allowing passengers to create an easy visit from the cruise ship to the vatican. Expect a ten or fifteen minute walk even if the press release claims five.

 In addition to St. Peter’s station

the train will stop at Roma Ostiense. At Ostiense you will be able to take the metro into the city centre.


St. Peter's station Rome

Vatican city

Roma Ostiense station

Colosseum, Piazza del Colosseo,

Civitavecchia express train to Rome centre
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Civitavecchia express train to Rome centre
New Civitavecchia express for cruise passengers to Rome
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